Social Influence Essay

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The social environment has a massive influence on the physical and mental health of individuals. Legal dictionary defines social influence as “social influence occurs when one 's emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing”, (2016). Environmental factors such as triggers also play major roles that affect and effect on how society approaches its environment and the challenges that are faced on a daily basis. Triggers included, but not limited to, are racism, bias, gender, suggestion, religion, poverty, education, economics, technology, music, products purchased and consumed. Schroder states social sciences are “ill-equipped to tackle environmental challenges confronting society”, because theoretical approaches provide little in coherent understanding centralized focus missed the bigger …show more content…

Inequality within a societal group can be physically and mentally detrimental. Having less resources financially will put a strain on an individual’s ability to provide and attain reasonable resources, such as quality food, increasing malnutrition or starvation. Not having the ability to provide for one’s family for instance can have severe mental repercussions and feelings of desperation, anger, cohesion and worthlessness. Individuals can question their own existence and consider suicide. America has the mentality of bigger and better, a consumer nation, a must have and be better than others mentality. An idiom that perfectly describes such a mentality is keeping up with the Joneses; Is “a comparison to one 's neighbor as a benchmark for social caste or the accumulation of material goods. Is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority” ("dictionary,"

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