Social Identity Theory Essay

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This essay will examine the influences of organisations and communities in causing social change and effects on people’s behaviour through looking at areas of management; the characteristics of organisations; formed of groups of people with shared purposes in a community, showing how organisations can affect people’s behaviour, by using psychology to look at how the impact of taking on roles in an organisation can influence people’s behaviour through ‘Social identity theory’ using the Social science to examine how social movements involve both organisations and communities to bring about social change .

Management is a key process in the development of an organisation, to understand this process it is first important to look at the strategic …show more content…

Using the controls given by the insight from the Psychology behind social identity roles; why people are influenced and conform to group behaviour, are consciously motivated to become part of and stay, contributing to a movement as primary resources, which can also stifle progress of movements, giving accountable power distribution as seen in Zimbardo’s prison experiment example; which is then demonstrated in the occurrence to bring about social change using communities and organisations; there is clear evidence that demonstrates via RMT how the psychology of social identity forms the groups development through to the management of their resources (people and skills etc.) This enables the execution of the movement for social change

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