Social And Personal Experience In The First Day Of Work

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The first day of work at my new job I found that I was faced with cultural and perhaps philosophical friction. A foreign student and employee, I am often challenged with English as a Second Language, and also in relation to understanding norms and mores in my environment. Colleagues take for granted social rules, policies and other elements of obligation in the workplace, yet I do not share the same training. In my new country the responsibilities to which I am bound, as well as social expectations connected to work styles and team participation are not always apparent or even commonsense in my home location. Pre & Post Review Analysis The process of on-the-job training requires careful listening, reading, and observation in order to meet employer expectations. The first day at work is often the most difficult. I was forced to walk through a series of “team” orientations quite distinct from what is expected abroad. The concept of a team is new to me. I must learn to not only perform the job function, but to also collaborate, and reference the opinion of others horizontally, rather ...

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