Persuasive Essay On Teenage Smoking

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In recent years, smoking has started to take over the lives of many teenagers. The number of teenagers smoking has increased dramatically in the last several years. This is a major problem because smoking can lead to sickness and major diseases that can lead to death. Teens tend to participate in this while out of the presence of an adult figure. Although teens should not be smoking in the first place, an adult figure should be around to help insure that their children are doing the right things, even when they are behind closed doors with their peers. Teenagers as they mature become a model for younger children and when they set the example of smoking can ruin their good image to the children that look up to them. One solution to keep teens …show more content…

Ninety percent of smokers begin before the age nineteen. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Thirty percent of teenagers that smoke continue to smoke and die early because of it. Studies have also show that the first time tobacco is introduced in one’s life is before graduation. (11 facts about teen smoking) Teen smoking is not only dangerous but is also very deadly. Over thirteen hundred people in the United States die a day because of smoking, so if we can decrease the amount of teen smoking would decrease those numbers dramatically. If we as people would help show those who smoke the cost of how much money they spend just in a month own cigarettes just that could change their mind. Many of the one’s who smoke tend to have problems financially. We need to show them that cigarettes cost so much and could increase the amount of money they could have for themselves or for other things that they need at home or for some can help pay for their …show more content…

Smoking can cause problems all over the body and in just about every body system. Cigarettes contain over six-hundred ingredients and can produce over seven-thousand chemicals when burned. Many of those chemicals are poisonous and sixty-nine of them can cause cancer. The main ingredient in cigarettes that causes the addiction is nicotine. Nicotine can make its way to the brain in mere seconds and make you feel energetic but after a while you will become tired and crave more. As you begin to smoke and more your lungs begin to lose its power of being able to filter harmful chemicals. This makes smokers more vulnerable to little infections such as a cold or even the flu. Some of the most obvious signs of smoker begin with the outside of the body. Smoking will soon produce wrinkles and premature aging and will cause other to be able to see the outcome of smoking against the younger generation of people. (Health

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