The Benefits Of Smart Phones

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Did you know, that as of January 2014, 90 percent of American adults own a cell phone? Of those 90 percent of people whom own cell phones, 58 percent of them are smart phones (Pew Internet). “[A] Smartphone is a mobile phone with advanced features and functionality beyond traditional functionalities like making phone calls and sending text messages. (Impact Of)” Contrary to popular belief, smart phones have actually been around since 1993, although they have just recently become readily available for the majority of the public. Smartphones have changed dramatically since the first release of a smart phone. For example, many benefits have arisen from the up and coming of these phones, with each and every new release having some cool new feature …show more content…

An app is a small program in which you can download onto your phone; it works like running a program on your computer such as Microsoft power point or office. Apps can be downloaded on any platform of smartphone, such as BlackBerrys, Microsoft based phones such as droids, and Apple based phones such as iPhones. Each platform has its own app store in which you can download apps from many categories such as health/fitness, finance, restaurants, medical, music and more. Each category of applications has thousands of different aps that can download in order help improve your life. For example you can download apps under the health category that can benefit you in your efforts to become healthier. For the finance category, you can download apps that can help you with your banking, bills, insurance and more. The benefits of using smartphone applications could be beneficial to your lifestyle by having most everything you need at your fingertips. For instance, the banking apps allow you to bank on the go, make deposit, transfer funds, and pay bills that will go through immediately; thus taking much less time than driving to your bank in order to make a deposit, or write a check to pay

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