Small Town Cop Discussion

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It’s not easy being a police officer and start cracking down on many people who are violating the law or hurting other people. However, it does not necessarily mean that police officers get soft. I get instantaneously nervous when they get around. I walk around minding my own business and then the see a cop out of nowhere. I freak out and wonder if I did something wrong. They are unable to tolerate crime and will stop at nothing to end crime. Tracy Kidder tells the story of a cop who must protect North Hampton at all costs. Many people say that the story entertains the reader indefinitely. However, I managed to give the story a good look. Does Kidder’s story on the bald cop make the entire color photo slide show or do they just stick to the point and always stay concrete?

Thanks to the great use of description, I was really able to have a better picture of the city of North Hampton etched inside of my head. The amazing traffic and happy pedestrians wandering around the whole thing, North Hampton was a really popular city for it’s time. At night, the town becomes very bright with lights from the green,red, and yellow lights, and the logos attached to the buildings. The police did a great job patrolling the city and busting down on crime around ever corner. The police are always very well informed whether or not hell breaks loose. The cops never take any time to take any breaks, such as grabbing a donut. As a result, North Hampton has become tranquil with rarely any sign of any murders, or robberies. Nobody bothers to get stupid and start breaking into houses that don’t belong to them and taking thing that are not also belonging to them. There are rarely any reports of people being stabbed, grabbing guns and shooting each o...

... middle of paper ... really is. This story wouldn’t be recommended for children due to it’s unsuitability towards younger readers. There are plenty of curse words and scenes of violence that may be not for the faint of heart. Plus, it would be best if he doesn’t end up asking you what does that dreaded n-word mean unless it is unavoidable when people on the internet decide to put in that one song that had gained plenty of popularity originating in an imageboard site where people post pornographic images and call each other names. Somehow if there is a way for people to archive articles like this. Hands down, I am anticipating anything from Tracy Kidder due to his outstanding writing and inspiration. I would recommend Tracy Kidder’s writing to friends for when they get bored. Being such an amazing writer must have been tough as hell. The story and the writer both are worth checking on.

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