Small Talk by by James Hunter

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In this paper I am going to analyze and comment an article written by James Hunter. My starting point will be a summary about the text in which I have been working. Next I will contextualize the topic which is “Small Talk”. Then, I will analyze different problematic issues raised in the text in which I propose proposals for solving the problems posed. Finally, I will reflect about the strengths and weaknesses of some points about this article changing some aspects of the author's proposal.


The author of this article stakes out a clear and insightful position on this educational issue and follows the specific instructions by presenting reasons to support that position. The article cogently argues that a corrective feedback can make learners reluctant to speak but it is necessary for developing fluency, accuracy and complexity . We need to develop a real speaking skill in our students. However, we can find problems that have been developed because of the usage of methodologies with very limited linguistic resources like, for example, CTL (Communicative Language Teaching) because they aren't based in a real teaching and content. Actually we have to call for more creative speaking and thinking, not less.

In further examples, the article shows how “small talk” allows for the linking of ideas that may never have been connected pushing students to think in new ways. This method opens pathways of thinking that were previously closed off to the speaking skill. With increased interdisciplinary interactions, we should use this method to make the speaking would be more related to the real world. For all that, Hunter proposes "small talk" as a methodology which develops language fluency and accuracy language allowing the teacher ...

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...k. Taking this into practice we have achieved working on all skills, make them involved in a research and in an information process which is related to real life. The challenge of the activity will always depends on students’ knowledge level and the teacher will always be responsible for guiding the knowledge of their students.

Examining all the various angles and factors involved with improving speaking skill tells us that we have to learn the original meaning of a message to let us communicate with others in a better way. While the proposal does highlight a possibility, more information and more options are required to improve oral skills and the best way to do that is to practice as much as possible.

Works Cited
Task-Based Language Teaching in Foreign Language Contexts: Research and implementation

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