Slope Movement

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Slope Movement

There are certain threshold conditions that can be applied to slopes-

if a threshold condition is exceeded then the slope moves. There are

many types of movement, and the following factors can affect movement:

a) Rockfall

On a cliff face material will fall as it becomes released by

weathering, and often accumulates as scree at the cliff foot. The

angle of the scree is just below the threshold angle for movement and

is called the angle of rest.

A particle of weathered material remains at rest on a slope if the

frictional resistance to movement is greater than the down slope

stress produced by the particle weight.

Rockfalls from cliffs do not usually cause too much damage as they

often occur on coasts or in sparsely occupied areas.

B& C) Slide and flow rapid mass movement


On more gentle slopes, there will be a soil cover or particles that do

not move singularly. Fig 5.12 shows movement occurring if the

threshold angle is exceeded. Soils can r...

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