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Slavery is something that should have never happened, but unfortunatly it did. This project is about the history of slavery in America, and the terrible unfair reality that slaves had to deal with. When the Meso American, or the Middle American natives first encountered the Europeans, they were very familiar with slavery. Among the most advanced civilizations in Central America was the Aztecs and Maya. In these places slavery, although not necessary, was common. The Aztec used the the same methods for getting slaves as other cultures. Slaves were prisoners of war, criminals, debtors, and poor people selling family members into slavery. The most common reasons for becoming a slave was poverty, or not being able to pay taxes to the empire. Slaves in Aztec were not mistreated and were fed, housed and clothed by their owner. Slaves could marry, and have their own property, just as others could. In Aztec, slavery was a reversible condition and if you were once a slave you could become a normal citizen again. Slaves could gain freedom by running away from their masters at the market, and if they made it to the rulers palace they were freed. No one could stop the slave or they themselves became a slave. Also they could buy their freedom, or marry their owner. Slaves were often used in sacrificial ceremonies. The removal of the heart was a practice of the Middle American civilization, the most common of their sacrifices. The Maya was a civilization who were known for architecture, artwork, trade networks, writings, mathematics, and the calendar. Like the Aztec, the Mayans aquired slaves in the same ways. In Maya, slavery was hereditary, the children of the slaves would automatically become slaves themselves. Slaves preformed hard manual labor for households. They carried merchandise on their backs, paddled canoes, gathered supplies, and pampered their masters. The slaves of an important person who died may be killed and buried with the owner to become his slave in the next life. Two separate economies developed in northern and southern America. In the north, where there are many small farms and mills, slave holdings were small, and most of the slaves were domestic servants in coastal cities. In the south there was a cash-crop economy based on plantation. The north was creative in the development of the southern ec... ... middle of paper ... ..., in the war that would abolish slavery in America. The southern states of America formed their own Confederate in 1860 and the issue of slavery was at the top of the agenda. The states that were for slavery wanted to have the right to choose if they wanted slavery. However, the newly elected president Abraham Lincoln was against slavery. After a long period of debate the Emancipation Proclamation came into effect in 1863. This freed slaves in the Confederate States. The Union Army had to conquer southern territory for the slaves to feel liberated. All the free blacks joined to fight in the war as they had in the previous ones. Altogether half a million fought, and thirty-eight thousand died in the war. Soon after, the Confederate Army surrendered. In 1865, the United States passed three constitutional ammendments that abolished slavery and finally gace the black slaves equal rights as citizens. People have enslaved others of their own nations, races, religions, and families for many years before us. Even slaves owned slaves, and in these cases not once has it been right. Thankfully, from events in the past, we enjoy equal rights and freedoms for everyone.

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