Slacker Essay

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Slacker is an independent film, which has no conventional narrative structure. Instead it is a series of stories encapsulated within conversations between random ever- changing characters. All of which are in some form misfits in society. The protagonist changes every few minutes and there is no conventional character arc. It is an observation of different people living in Austin, Texas. It focuses on conversation between characters, but does not become involved in their lives. Following one protagonist for a time and then moving to the next as the character cross over. (J.J.
Murphy, 2007)
The conventional three-act structure follows one protagonist, who has a goal or desire. The established character is flawed and needs to overcome this flaw …show more content…

For example; in Harry Potter and the Order Of The
Pheonix, Harry the protagonist must complete a series of obstacles in order to win
The Tri-wizard Tournament. This objective is overshadowed by the fact that in doing so it leads to him having to defeat Voldemort. (Yates, 2007)Which is he’s greatest objective in the series of films.
In Slacker, characters have small goals as apposed to one large objective, they don’t necessarily have to achieve these goals in order to reach fulfillment either. One of the most famous scenes is the film, is of an interesting young woman who attempts to sell
Madonna’s pap smear. Her desire is to make money, but this is not fulfilled because the characters she attempts to sell it to are broke. (J.J. Murphy, 2007)
The characters in slacker only cross paths once, before they part ways and the scene follows a different character. These meetings are for the sole purpose of conversation.
It can be said that there is a lack of deep connection between most of the characters.
The only thing that really connects them is neutral relations or arbitrary …show more content…

Harry Potter has two friends that are consistently in his life, Hermione and Ron. (Yates, 2007) He has one major conflict with Voldemort; that continues to plague him throughout the series. In the end he overcomes his inner conflict, (his fear that he is not strong enough to conquer the dark lord) defeats the antagonist and reaches fulfillment.

Because there are numerous protagonists in Slacker, there is no great objective for them. There is nothing really at stake for the character’s either. The audience is instead captivated by the odd conversation and coincidences. (Linklater, 2007)In contrast Harry Potter’s journey is filled with high stakes. If he does not defeat Voldemort, the narrative world will pay the price. When the stakes are high it keeps the audience captivated with the events that follow. The classic 3-act structure needs the audience to bond with the character. The audience needs to relate with the protagonist and root for them to succeed over the obstacles that they face. The events in the narrative all need to impact on the character. They are not random. Slacker has a many short narratives. Each incidence is a story in itself; for example the young man who meets up with his girlfriend. They have a disagreement

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