Six Leadership Style Analysis

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THESIS “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things”, according to writer and consultant Peter Drucker. This statement is what grasped my attention to this article. The article is Six Leadership Styles, and When to Use Them. The author, Robyn, states that a manager and a leader are two different roles. The roles can and are used interchangeably with one another. Managers are defined as facilitators of the teams’ success and the success of members on that team. The managers have the roll of ensuring that each member is well trained, happy, have little to no roadblocks in the group’s path, groom each member for the next level, also the manager has to recognize good performance and coach any member through any rough …show more content…

This is a style that should not be used to excessively because it can cause there to be average performance and inhabit lack of direction with in the team. A coaching leader, also known as try this style, develops people for the future. This style is best when a leader wants the team members to have skills that will last, and want enhance their ability to be more successful overall. The do what I tell you style is a coercive leader. This is most effective when the team is in a time of crisis, or to help control a problem teammate. This is a style that should rarely be use due to the fact that it can alienate people and stifle the team. The last leader style is a democratic leader style, this is the what do you think style. It is best when a team as a whole has to make a decision, plan, or obtain a goal. This would not be the best in an emergency situation, when there is a time crunch, or there is not enough information for the team members. The author of this article gives a bottom line and it is a “recipe” for a good leader. The recipe is as follows “If you take two cups of authoritative leadership, one cup of democratic, coaching, and affiliative leadership, and a dash of pace setting and coercive leadership "to taste," and you lead based on need in a way that elevates and inspires your team, you’ve got an excellent recipe for long-term leadership success with every team in your life …show more content…

I am a business student and do plan on managing at some point weather is be myself or a group, and in a way I already do manage. I manage my older brother’s caregivers and his finances. A few of these styles I have already been using and was not aware that I was using them. The main one that I have been using is the Affiliative leader style. Recently we have had to revamp my brothers care team. It was an extreme situation and there was a lot of stress and turmoil that followed. I have sense hired a few new people that I feel are an accessed to the team and have been focusing on getting the team to work effectively together. I need the team members to feel that they can rely on each other and that there is a certain amount of trust between them. In this time of transition I have also been a Coach Leader. We have been trying different shifts and have been delegating different people different tasks. It is a matter of finding out who is good at what and what their talents/strengths are. Once I feel that a norm has been established and I no longer hear the little complaints about the other care givers I will become more of an Authoritative leader. There is a goal of my brother to move to a new house, and before that happens we are wanting to establish a caregiver schedule that will be conducive to my brother’s needs and wants. This means that once the team is established and roles are figured out the change of the work schedule will not

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