Situational And Psychological Consequences Of The Stanford Prison Experiment

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The Stanford Prison Experiment

In August of 1971, American psychologist, Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment at Stanford University studying the behavioral and psychological consequences of becoming a prisoner or a prison guard. He wanted to observe how situational forces impacted human behavior. Zimbardo, along with prison experts, a film crew, and a former prison convict dramatically simulated a prison environment both physically and mentally in order to accurately observe the effects of the institution on its participants. This experiment later became known as the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment.

Zimbardo wanted to answer questions like, what happens when you put good people in an evil place? Does humanity win over evil, …show more content…

That is when their process of humiliation, dehumanization, and degradation began. These arrest occurred like any other arrest, by actual police, handcuffs, and they were even told their Miranda Rights and fingerprinted. The blindfolded inmates were taken to the Stanford mock prison, stripped naked, disinfected, and put into humiliating dress-like smocks and rubber shower shoes with one chain on their leg “used in order to remind prisoners of the oppressiveness of their environment. Even when prisoners were asleep, they could not escape the atmosphere of oppression” (Zimbardo …show more content…

They obeyed every command given to them. According to Zimbardo and his team, “the prisoners sense of reality had shifted, and they no longer perceived their imprisonment as an experiment” (Zimbardo 32). The prisoners coped with their humiliation by either rebelling or breaking down emotionally. The effects of the Stanford Prison Experiment had more negative effects on it’s prisoners than anyone else. Evil seemed to prevail over the guards. Although they had only obtained a powerful role for a short time, they all went through extreme measures to enforce their power. The prisoners were demeaned, humiliated, dehumanized and lost their sense of control and power over their own

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