Essay On Similes In The Iliad

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Similes are used by Homer within the Iliad to induce pathos by contrasting the unnatural bestiality of battle with vivid imagery from the natural world. The innocence of nature within the smilies not only allows for a break from the endless grim of war, but also increases the connectability of the epic. Not everyone, even during the historical time period the Iliad was composed in, experienced war. Therefore, the comparison of war to something common, like nature, allows the audience to connect with the work and experience the pathos it induces.
“The Trojans penned in the walls of Troy like sheep” (8.150) explains not only the state of the army during that particular day of battle, but also the circumstances surrounding their involvement …show more content…

“And quick as a youngster ducking under his mother’s skirts he’d duck under Ajax’ shield” (8.310-311) plays into the imagery of the previous simile due to its continuation of innocence in war. The domestic reference of care for the young would be easily relatable to the listeners and gives substance to an unimaginable event. It compares the way a farmer would care for a young goat or a mother would care for a young child. This simile also breaks up action of intense fighting and gives a paternal quality to an inhuman warrior, Ajax. All this combined extends the feeling of pathos throughout the poem and aids the audience in understanding the comradery among all the soldiers which in turn creates extra depth when key members of the Achaeans are killed in …show more content…

Hector far in the lead, bristling in all his force like a hound that harris a wild boar or lion- hot pursuit, snapping quick at his heels, hindquarters and flanks but still on alert” (8.384-387) gives a sense of alarm and urgency to the scene. The ferociousness of Hector is compared to that of a predator and symbolizes the fact that, like a predator, nothing can stop it from destroying its prey. Pathos is invoked towards Hector’s victims and towards the overall carnage of the Trojan

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