Compare And Contrast The Structure Of The Following Body Cell Types In The Mammalian Body

1134 Words3 Pages

Task 1 – Cells, DNA and Tissues (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1)

Word count guideline: 1500 words

Cells - There are many different cells found in the human body; they have many different shapes and many different functions.
Cells that naturally occur within the mammalian body are collectively called eukaryotic; cells that do not naturally occur in the mammalian body are collectively called prokaryotic.
Question 1

a) Compare and contrast the structure of these two cell types. You must include in your written work, a fully annotated diagram of each cell type. You will need to draw and label your diagrams, scan or photograph them, and embed the diagrams into your assignment.

The main difference between theses cells is the eukaryotic cell has a nucleus, that is …show more content…

Erythrocyte has a large surface to help allow oxygen to pass through. Also contains haemoglobin that attaches to oxygen.

Macrophage (white blood cell) are large to help engulf bacteria or viruses. They have long thin pseudo pods that help capture the bacteria or viruses for them to be engulfed, destroyed and digested.

Motor Neuron has adapted by being long and this helps them communicate with other parts of the body. The sheath acts as an insulator so the messages reach quickly. The dendrites connect with many other neurones.

Male Gamete (Sperm) function is to travel to the female gamete and connecting inside to fertilise the egg. The male gamete has a long tail to help swim to reach the female gamete and a head to help get inside the female

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