Similar or Not?

888 Words2 Pages

In a lot of ways, the Roman Republic was very similar to the way the United States government is organized today. Starting with the three branches of government known as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Republic's executive branch was call the consuls, which were an elected assembly and they ruled as chief executives for one year. They controlled the military as well. They also had a legislative branch made up of three parts. The senate was 300 people that were chosen by aristocrats and reigned over foreign affairs and financial policies. The centuriate assembly, which was group of citizen soldiers that were members for life. They elect consuls an make laws. And the tribal assembly were citizens that were put into groups depending on where they live and they were also members for life. Tribal assembly members elect tribunes. The judicial branch was called the praetors and that consisted of eight judges that were chosen by the centuriate assembly to judge for a year. Two of the eight judges supervise civil court and criminal court.
The Roman Republic also had a system set up that is somewhat like the Checks and Balances system that the United States has in place today. It was called the twelve tables and it only protected free born male citizens under the law. This was know as the earliest code of Roman civil, criminal and religious law. Citizenship was also a part of the Roman Republic but was only given to adult male landowners but that is not very different than the way it used to be in the United states.
There are also similarities in warfare between the Roman empire and the United states like the head pieces for unit flags are all eagles and spear points. Also all units have some kind of Latin motto. An...

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...very was common in the ancient world, but the most common place to see it was in Rome. Almost every single farmer in ancient Rome had at least one to two slaves to help them work. If you were rich you would have many more than that.. This showed the Roman Empire's laziness because the they counted on slaves to do things like building roads, buildings, and to be workers in the household. This led to the Romans laziness because they started to let their slaves do most of the work while they told them what to do. The the United States of America and the Roman Empire have an amazing amount of similarities. The United States resembles much of what ancient Rome was like before the fall of the Roman Empire. The similarities between the fall of the Roman Empire and the United States show that if we doesn’t do something about our problems, then it might fall just as Rome did.

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