Compare And Contrast Psychoanalytic And Alder's Theories Of Personality

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In the past years psychology has used the method acting of science to come to some clearer and less ambiguous understanding of human being nature. Personality is the bailiwick within this scientific psychology that written report individuals. How is someone different from another, or are people fundamentally similar rather than different? How can we understand the moral force that motivates us to act in one way or the other? How do we develop from childhood? (Cloninger, 2009) Innovator of psychology, Sigmund Freud , Carl Jung, Alfred Adler etc. were influential thinkers, early founders, and significant contributor to the Bodoni font science of psychology (Goodwin, 2008).Although their theories were distinct, they were passionate about their enterprise , and never settled with conclusion - their entire lives were spent in earnest search for better intellect of the human psychological fragilities and their betterment (Goodwin, 2008).This essay will systematically and critically compare two major theoretical positions on personality which are psychoanalytic and Alder’s approach as related to their explanation of human motivation.
Personality can be defined as psychological qualities that contribute to an individual’s enduring and …show more content…

On the other hand, human motivation is explained by our attempts throughout our lives to satisfy these basic instinctual drives the form taken by this gratification of our instinctual needs typically changes with age. Personality theories may function as philosophy, science and art. As scientists, personality theorists develop hypotheses that help us understand human behaviour. As philosophers, they explore what it means to be a person. As artists they seek to apply what is known about human behaviour to make life better. (Engler, 2009). The psychoanalytic approach to personality was developed by Sigmund Freud (Maltby et al, 2013). It is a clinically

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