Should Women Be Allowed In The Military

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Throughout the years there has been an ideas where women shouldn’t fight alongside men. There’s has many discussions over this idea. Even though women have been part of the war effort since the Revolutionary War. There has been American Women serving in the U.S Military for hundreds of years. Women have also been involved in combat during the Revolutionary, Civils, and Mexican Wars. The first females U.S Soldiers that were involved in combat, had disguised themselves as men to get enlisted. Women deserve a chance to serve, they have proven themselves just as well as men have, they should be allowed to serve based on their abilities and not their genders, and also because all women deserve equal opportunities just like men.

According to Mark Evans, women have proven themselves just as capable as men. For an example there was a BBC Special Forces challenge. This is where a 6-week challenge with the former Coldstream Guards Captain Mark Evans. This challenge was with 29 of Britain’s fittest men and women. They were pushed mentally and physically by a battle-hardened veterans from the world’s toughest special forces. Even when all of the contestants were treated equally, they were amazed that two out of the six remaining contestants were women. This says that women can be just as capable as men.

According to the “New York Times”, women …show more content…

Just because of the idea of women giving birth and have a naturally nurturing disposition they don't want women. Also that a death of a women in battle could leave young children motherless, or as an orphan. These shouldn’t be a reason for women not to serve. Just because women are capable of getting pregnant that shouldn't stop them. That shouldn't stop from all women to serve. All women should have an opportunity to serve. Whatever women choose they should already be caution of what they are doing and how it's going to affect themselves or their

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