Persuasive Essay: Why People Should Be Vaccines

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The whole world has heard about smallpox and polio but not of any recent cases, the dramatic ended of these diseases is from the use of vaccinations. Illnesses that were once deadly now can be completely avoided by being vaccinated, if the world stopped vaccinating the illness might return. Society has used vaccines for generations, however recently the effectiveness and side effects of vaccines have come under question. The value of vaccines is that they are essential to the survival of the human race, by preventing major epidemics of reoccurring viruses. This paper will expound on why people should be vaccinated, the benefits of herd immunity, the history of vaccines, how safe it is to be vaccinated, the cost effectiveness, and the benefits of vaccines eliminating deadly virus. Humans are not always born with the ability to protect themselves from foreign body invaders. The process of being vaccinated takes place over several years, it begins when a child is six months old and continues for the rest of the person’s life. The shots increase the chance of having a healthier normal life. A person who is up to date on all of his/her vaccines is less likely to be sick and less likely for them to become a carrier for the illness. …show more content…

The flu is often thought of as a nuisance; nevertheless, it is deadly and could lead to other health complications. In total the flu kills over four hundred thousand people annually (WHO). Vaccination offers immunity to the three most prevalent strains of influenza circulating in any given season. Avoiding the flu means avoiding extra medical care costs and lost income from missing days of work or school. Furthermore, many people believe that by keeping good hygiene that it will eliminate the threat of becoming ill, however, that is untrue it only helps slow the spread of dangerous

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