Should Technology Be Integrated Into The Workplace?

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Introduction Technology: “a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like” (“Technology”). Technology is constantly changing and improving. It even finds its way into the workplace. Myers, of the World Economic Forum, describes how society went from no technology in the workplace, to cell phones, to email, to virtual collaboration such as Skype and FaceTime (Myers). With all the new advancements of technology, our society is still not completely accepting to technology in the workplace. However, maybe our society should be Many argue whether or not technology should be integrated into the workforce. Technology has been proved to benefit the economy and allow people to work from the comfort of their home. However, …show more content…

New technology gives the opportunity of efficiency and better communication. According to, technology has made the workplace more efficient because “digital filing systems save space, paper and printing costs. The use of computer systems allow corrections to be made instantly. Resources like electronic files and access to information technology are available with the click of a button” (Scott). Without technology, this process would not run as smoothly and be as organized . It is essential to have technology to keep the workplace at its maximum productivity. As mentioned earlier, technology is linked with having better communication throughout the job site. Communication is a key role in productivity because communication results in better teamwork, collaboration, and interactions with customers or clients. “Electronic email allows workers to send messages instantly without interrupting the recipient. Business technology also improves communication with clients and business partners because information can be passed through multiple channels almost instantly” (Scott). Although this article is talking about a business workplace, this does not mean that the same results can happen

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