Persuasive Essay About Smoking

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Take a deep breath. Allow the fresh air into your healthy lungs and then exhale. Now, stand near a smoker. Take a deep breath. Allow your lungs to take in the same amount of air as you did the first time, then exhale. Did you cough? When you took a deep breath next to the smoker, you breathed in the toxic smoke from the cigarette. “Acetaldehyde is in tobacco smoke. Acetaldehyde is a hazardous air pollutant” (The Facts). This is one of the harsh chemicals that are entering your lungs. “Every year, tobacco-related disease kills about 202,000 women in the US” (The Facts). My mother and oldest sister used to smoke and were able to quit cold turkey because they were pregnant. My boyfriend Seth still smokes at the age of twenty. I have done constant research to help Seth stop smoking. I am against smoking, …show more content…

I am also against smoking to help the people who do not smoke keep away from second hand smoke, which can also cause smoke related health problems. Smoking effects your major organs, along with the people who are around smokers. When smokers quit there are immediate benefits, which is why there are alternatives to help smokers stop smoking, along with organizations that are helpful.
Smoking effects the major organs and causes problems for certain activities such as sex. Some of the major organs that have a toll from smoking is the “brain, lungs, heart, head and face, and penis” (18 Ways Smoking Effects Your Health). The brain will grow an addiction to the nicotine that is put into the body (18 Ways Smoking Effects Your Health). “The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco” (18 Ways Smoking Effects

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