Pros And Cons Of Beauty Pageants

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In any competition, parents want to see their children succeed in what they like to do. In many competitions there are parents that go way overboard to make their child win. Children listen to what their parents have to say to make them proud, we need to make sure that children are told what could happen to them in any competition they would like to play in. A reason is youth football, it can very dangerous to children because not only will the children be physically hurt but also mentally, why because children brains are not done developing and that could cause them serious health issues in the future. Another reason is beauty pageants, children like doing this competition mainly because they feel like supermodels and moms can get carried
The little girls feel like supermodels, it gets the children to like themselves and the make their selves happy. Children like their parents cheering them on, it makes them feel like they’re a princess and there is nothing wrong with beauty pageants at all. The main problem in beauty pageants is many moms get carried away by putting their child on a diet, almost starving to death. Parents shouldn’t be putting their children on a diet, let children be how they are. Beauty pageants are supposed to be fun for the children, showing their natural beauty. Moms be taking it way overboard, by putting lots of make up on their child, getting them a tan and even getting expensive dresses. Moms would be spending thousands of dollars on their child, but that is not necessary at all. Pageants are supposed be enjoyable for the kids and not to spend thousands of dollars. In France, the “legislators moved to ban child beauty pageants” (Healy 1) because many moms are taking the pageants too far and many of their children are forced to join these pageants. Children need to be told about what could happen to them if they enter beauty pageant competitions, also parents need to be told as well so they won’t go

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