Should Marijuana be Legalized Nation Wide

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The debate over whether marijuana should be legalized nation-wide has been an ongoing one for years now. Marijuana should’ve been legalized years ago and continues to create more controversial problems within our nation. Before diving into the debate and choosing sides, one needs to understand what marijuana is and the effects that it has first, especially with it being so popular in the United States. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug created from the plant called cannabis (Happy Place). Drugs are primarily classified on whether they are stimulants or if they are depressants. Depressants are a type of drug that hinders ones psychological vitals, the major drug being alcohol. A stimulant is a substance that for a certain amount of time increases psychological activity or organic. After many studies, Marijuana has been considered to be both types (Happy place). What we know from the general public is how medical marijuana uses affect cancer patients such as treating the cancer, helping one stay positive, and even to help deal with most of the pain. Not only this, but recent studies have shown for it, in moderation, to actually help increase lung capacity and air flow. This just adds to the list of other diseases and disorders it helps to treat such as sclerosis, OCD, Tourette syndrome and many others (Barret). However, further studies need to be done so that it is clear on what the long-lasting effects of marijuana really are. (Happy place) At the moment, marijuana has proven to be absolutely nothing worse than just your everyday cigarette. Meaning, one’s side effects aren’t more hostile than the other. The debate can keep on going but all this is doing is wasting time. We are in a giant debt hole anyways, and why not tax somethin...

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Bump, Philip. "Prepare Your 'Green' Puns." Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .

Ablow, Dr. Keith. "The Psychological Impact of Legalizing Marijuana." Fox News. FOX News Network, 07 Nov. 2012. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .

"Marijuana Delight." Marijuana Delight. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .

"The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: The Impact." Http:// Aug. 2013. Rocky Mountain HIDTA. 19 Mar. 2014 .

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