Should Federal Aid Only Benefit Need-Based Students?

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Financial Aid is a factor that is taken into a great accountability when discussing college. The majority of U.S. citizens rely on financial aid to afford college expenses. College is a very expensive aspect of education. And although it will pay off in the end to have a college degree, most families cannot afford to send their children to college. There are two types of financial aid students may qualify for: Need-Based and Merit-Based. However it is known that the majority of financial aid is need-based. Some merit-based scholarships are also awarded to need-based students. So it is understood that a mediocre student who qualifies under need-based will get more help from the federal government than a student who does not qualify under a need-based status but is involved and is top ten of his/her class. Federal Student Aid should not favor what it classifies as need-based students over students who have displayed a rigorous and challenging academic lifestyle. Financial aid is calculated by the Cost of Attendance to a school and the Estimated Family Contributions. If the Estimated Fa...

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