Shortcut In Macbeth

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According to a shortcut is a shorter alternative route. In life there are no shortcuts to get what you want. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, want to become the King and Queen of Scotland. They want these titles so badly that they do a few demented things to reach their goal. After a while, their greed starts to control their actions. Lady Macbeth is the main instigator of Macbeth’s troubling actions throughout the play.
Lady Macbeth is constantly trying to get into Macbeth’s head to convince him to do as she says so that she can become Queen. For example, she says, “To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in Your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like th’ innocent flower” (1.5.61-63). Lady

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