Short And Long Term Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

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Effects of the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution also known as advancements in technology happened in Great Britain during the 1750-1850s and spread throughout Europe and then the rest of the world. The causes of the Industrial Revolution where the population, resources, wealth, education, and technology. Although industrialization had many negative effects that included poor/harsh living conditions,child labor called workhouse children, and pollution due to the Industrial revolution it had long term positive effects such as an increment in wages and future comforts.
The Industrial Revolution had poor public health conditions and public health that harmed people. For instance, people seemed neglected and dirty they did not have any personal hygiene. A official report ‘ The Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population’ stated “... looked dirty and slatternly; everything about her seemed wretched and neglected …” this shows how their health conditions are harsh. Secondly, the air was not even …show more content…

Some factories took children without parents knowing. This was shown in “Letter from John Betts to Richard Charlile” the document stated “The parents did not know where Samuel and his brother were.” this shows that the kids were taken even when they did not tell the families that they were taken. Some factories even made them sign a certain type of contract stating they had to work a certain age. In “Sarah Carpenter, interviewed in the Ashton Chronicle” Sarah said “ They took me into the counting house and showed me a piece of paper with a red sealed horse on which they told me to touch, and then make a cross,which I did. This meant I had to stay at Cressbrook Mill till I was twenty one.” Both these documents showed how factories did not care about the well being of the children they just wanted them to work to benefit

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