Shawn Anchor: The Happy Secret To Better Work

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Shawn Anchor: The Happy Secret to Better Work Anchor’s presentation was about positive psychology. His focus throughout the presentation was that we need to reverse the formula for happiness and success. Anchor says that in our lives whether it is work, school, or home we follow the formula: “If I work harder, I'll be more successful. And if I'm more successful, then I'll be happier.” He is correct when he states that we put happiness far away from success. He makes it very clear that reversing the formula is his goal so that companies can have better sales and that people can learn and essentially be more efficient. He concludes his presentation by listing five changes that we can make in our daily lives to become more positive. What he says in his presentation is something that I find incredibly easy to believe because it seems very logical even though most of us don't think of it. I feel that this would be a great topic to expand on so that we could live our lives more positively.
Susan Cain: Power of Introverts
 Cain had a moving presentation on how introverts are …show more content…

She says, “…That when you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful.” She then goes on to explain the chemical changes in the brain. Cuddy ran an experiment where the participants took on high or low power poses. The results were that the people that took the high-power poses experienced increased testosterone and lowered cortisol while the people that took the low-power posed experienced the complete opposite. She also conducted another experiment where the participants had to go through a job interview after the poses and only the high-power poses were hired. These experiments are the basis for her beliefs and to be fair she does have a point and I think that it could help in certain

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