Sexuality In The Third Reich

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Mini Research Project # 2

There are many times where we might get mad at someone for something they did whether they lied to you, hurt your feelings, or stole something from you. Most people tend to get over it after a while and not hold a grudge. We might not like someone because of the way they look, their race or their sexuality. Most people tend to keep that inside themselves and let those people enjoy their freedoms like everyone else. This was not the case in the Third Reich. There was no room for any colored person, gay, disabled, sick, gypsy, or political opponent in Adolf Hitler's master race. Most people think that only Jews were killed by the Nazis. That was not the case. The Nazi’s graded humans on a scale of pure Aryan to Non-Aryan (subhuman). Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians, French, Italians and the English were at the top of the scale achieving master race status. The Salvs were considered to be non-aryan. The nations of Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Croatia were at first considered to be inferior. They were eventually considered to be ethnically superior. This was because of some theories about these nations having a mixture of German blood. People in these countries were put through a racial selection process to see if they were racially …show more content…

Most people tend to get over it after a while and not hold a grudge. We might not like someone because of the way they look, their race or their sexuality. Most people tend to keep that inside themselves and let those people enjoy their freedoms like everyone else. There are many instances where people are mean to others in various ways and it is at that time where we must stand up and do something in order to prevent horrible things from happening. If you stand by and do nothing, you are no better than the person committing the act of

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