Sexual Harassment Essay

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Sexual harassment is the unwelcome sexual advances made by an employer or superior, especially when compliance is made a condition of continued employment or advancement (Mallery 1). Sexual harassment has been an affliction of the world for many years. It is a well-known problem that happens in the workplace, school, public transportation, and military. Sexual harassment also happens on the internet and electronic communication. The most common sexual harassment is in the workplace. Harassment of a sexual nature, typically in the workplace or other setting where raising objections or refusing may have negative consequences is considered sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of criminal intolerance. Sexual harassment can happen to men or women, gay or straight. However, the force of law is weakened by several factors, and the professors can sexually harass …show more content…

There are two most common types of sexual advances that women face, street harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace. Street harassment is unwanted comments, gestures, and actions forced on a stranger in a public place without their consent and is directed at them because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation (Kearl 1). Calling a women; babe, baby, or baby girl without their permission or against their will is considered street harassment. Women need to be able to walk down a street and be able to feel normal and not scared that someone is going to insult them. Complements are very generous except when the women put their foot down and say stop. Sexual harassment in a workplace is at a greater risk for women then it is for men. Women are intimidated about what to wear to work, because of what will happen to them or what people that sexually harass them will say. Women need to be able to wake up that morning and feel comfortable about what to wear. Women should choose to fight

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