Normal Sexual Behavior Essay

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Normal sexual behavior can be defined as sexual acts that society deems acceptable. This includes heterosexual sex and the absence of foreign objects. Our society’s views and perceptions of what normal sexual behavior includes continues to evolve. Additionally, there is an understanding that abnormal sexual acts should remain private to void judgement and ridicule. It appears that normal sex is sex that is acceptable. But, what is acceptable? The more I consider answering this question, I understand that defining normal sexual behavior is relative. For me, normal sexual behavior is sex that is safe and happens between people of consenting ages. Over time, the introduction of objects, elements of pain, and role playing are becoming more …show more content…

However, I decided to truly consider defining normal sexual behavior from my personal perspective. As stated earlier, normal sexual behavior ultimately can be defined as what society says is appropriate. However, I accepted the challenge to arrive at the definition based on my opinion and perspective of what normal sexual behavior means. This assignment requires one to truly consider how they view sexual behaviors and where those views began. However, as a student, it is also important for me to understand how my views differ from respected professionals in the field who generate definitions. Yarber & Sayad (2010) states that normal sexual behavior is sexual behavior that falls within societal norms (pg. 21). My sexual attitudes, values, and behaviors are continuing to evolve. Over the past two years, I have desired to increase my sexual maturity. Previously, I held that individuals who were open to exploring sexual behaviors were freaky. Currently, I have a strong willingness to become comfortable with exploring various avenues of sex. When seeking to understand if my sexual attitudes, and behaviors are linear to the norm, I believe they are consistent with each other. The evolution of society’s norms regarding sexual behavior are similar to my changing …show more content…

However, they may be uncomfortable with being open and honest about their desires and experiences. For example, if a woman wants a simultaneous experience with a woman and a man, she may be embarrassed to disclose her desire. The fear comes from judgment and ridicule of desiring an experience that society may deem abnormal. Moreover, women engaging in personal stimulation like masturbation, is viewed as abnormal. However, many women find pleasure in engaging in sexual behaviors in an individualistic

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