Sexual Assault and Child Abuse

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There are many different types of victims we have discussed over the course of this class, but we’re only going to talk about two types in the following paper. These two types of victims are common just as any another victim across America. These include sex assault victims and child abuse victims, which are both primary victims in cases. The two share a tie together, both are a victim of abuse and can cause lifelong consequences, but they also pose many differences as well. Many questions arise when talking about victims, for example why is a child or adult being abused and what are the life altering affects to these actions. Throughout this paper we discuss both sexual assault victims and child abuse victims and compare and contrast between the two.

We’ll start with child abuse victims and the affects and reasons of this abuse. There are four types of child abuse and I will list them in order from least to greatest, neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Neglect takes first with the NCVS having 54% reports of child neglect in 2007. Neglect is a very serious form of abuse it is the failure for a parent or guardian to provide for a child’s basic needs, including physical and educational needs. We grow and development drastically in the first twelve years of our life so when parental guidance and love is absent it affects a child’s developmental skills along with learning right from wrong. Many forms of neglect occur in larger households and with households with domestic violence. Many parents with multiple kids become too busy focusing on the older children they tend to forget the youngest one. So it’s common for a three year old to walk out of the front door and on to the street when no one is there to tell him or...

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...formation about Domestic Violence and Services:

• Karmen, A. (2013). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning.

• Kilpatrick, D. G. (2000). The Mental Health Impact of Rape. Retrieved from National Violenc Against Women Prevention Research Center:

• Rainn. (2009). Effects of Sexual Assault. Retrieved from Rape, Abuse and Incest National Netwrok:

• Shannon. (2007). Was it my fault? Self-Blame and Survivors. Retrieved from Pandora's Project:>

• (2009). Types of sexual violence. Retrieved from:

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