Sexism In Workplace

594 Words2 Pages

Both men and women are equal, sexism is not prevalent in the workplace is one of the most common notion that one come across these days. Sexism is invisible to the majority of people in the society because it is instilled in the society so deeply that we cannot even see it and the other reason that the people feel that it does not exist as it does not affect everyone. It is not surprising that the people who do not see sexism are the people who are not affected by it, this does not mean that this is the view of men alone but women as well may share this view. It is a general notion that the people in the workplace have to be valued for their capability in doing a job, but this is far from true rampant nepotism prevalent in many workplaces where men are preferred over women to do a particular task. This discrimination has stunted the growth of women in the workplace as they were looking over to do jobs, even if they were capable of doing them. Legally, it has never been agreed t...

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