Sexism In A Doll's House

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Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, presents the main character, Nora Helmer, as a complex individual that goes on a bumpy journey to self-realization and complete transformation. Nora is a woman that is confused about her sense of self and worth that is caused by society’s sexist standards, although she willingly abides to them anyway. Society and the people within Nora 's life essentially influence her submissive character role, but the only thing that is truly stopping Nora’s road to personal freedom, is Nora herself. At the start of the play, Nora is represented as a toy doll possession, belonging to her husband, Torvald Helmer, before she finally reveals her transformation into an independently thinking, self-realized woman towards the end. …show more content…

He does not view Nora as his equal, treats her unfairly, and makes her to believe she has not potential and is just stupid. On top of that, he is also possessive of her, but she seems to be perfectly fine with the fact that she gets to play house in her little dream world. He calls her “my dearest property”, and cute little pet names like “little lark”, and “little squirrel”, as if he is referring to a child. Their relationship can be compared to a father/daughter type of connection because Torvald has to give her rules to follow while dealing with her immaturity and lack of responsibility. Nora is dependent of him, and seeks for his protection. Torvald enjoys the fact that Nora heavily relies on him, for example, he states that sometimes he wishes she was in terrible danger so that he could save her. Nora’s naive, objectified character is easier represented by comparing her to a doll, and her immature attitude to a child, hence the name of the play, A Doll’s

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