The Importance Of Sex In Vienna

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In Vienna, sex is a regular way to pass time. Sex is what I would call ‘the Viennese way’. This is so, as it appears to me that sex plays an integral part of their lives. Hence, it makes it quite comfortable for me to say that sex controls them. When it is time to celebrate, they turn to sex, during their times of boredom, they turn to sex. When Vienna’s land was undergoing turmoil, they used sex as a main source of distraction. For most people in Vienna, there is nothing that sex is unable to fix. In this essay I will be discussing how the people in Vienna allow sex to control them. First allow me to give you some backstory so that it is easier for you to follow along. After the Duke of Vienna announced that he would be leaving town for business, he left Lord Angelo in charge (while the Duke watched in secret). Partly drunk on power and having the …show more content…

Unintentionally, Isabella ignites a sexual flame inside Lord Angelo which grew with almost every word she said "I come to know your pleasure” (Shakespeare 138). Angelo replies to this by saying "That you might know it would much better please me, than to demand what 'tis." (Shakespeare 138). Then replies in a speaking voice where she can hear "Your brother cannot live" (Shakespeare 138). In this moment Isabella triggers Angelo 's desire, causing him to manipulate her into thinking her brother will be put to death so he can then trick her into having sex with him. The idea of making love to Isabella gave Angelo the push he needed to reveal his dark side, which proved to Isabella how much of a hypocrite Lord Angelo was. And, what is most appalling is – Lord Angelo doesn’t just lust over Isabella because he is attracted to her, but he relishes in the power he has gained by making her have sex with him. He honors the idea of taking a nun and defiling

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