Sex In Brave New World Essay

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Sex. A three letter word that in today’s society can be taken or received in so many different ways. Some people take it as a sacred word and others take the word loosely. It seems like in today’s society more and more people are not using the word or what it represents for how it was intended to be used. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, sex has been downgraded from a sacred act between two people to just an action with no meaning so that if you do not do it, it is frowned upon. Through comparing today’s world to the situation in the novel, our world clearly is becoming more like their world every day. Family relationships, multiple sexual partners, and a de-emphasis of the sexual act itself will show how frighteningly close we are to this Brave New World.
Nowadays in today’s society “it seems that sex and reproduction may not be inexorably tied to the nuclear family(Reiss 447)”. People do not care about the relationship between people; they just care about the pleasure that is created from the “relationship”. Then once they do not feel the pleasure from that person as much as they used to, then move to the next. Just like a light switch in a relationship going on and off, on an off. “Once …show more content…

Their friends ask them if they have watched porn and have pleasured themselves. If you have not, they single you out, like how one is weird, and everybody does it. That if one does not do it, it is not right in today’s society. In Brave New World the men talk about who they all had been with, and who they thought was best. It was like they put them on a rankings chart. "Lenina Crowne?" said Henry Foster, echoing the Assistant Predestinator 's question as he zipped up his trousers. "Oh, she 's a splendid girl. Wonderfully pneumatic. I 'm surprised you haven 't had her” (Huxley 44). Porn is everywhere, its sadly becoming more and more frequent in our lives. People are losing what it is like to have a real

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