Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Sex Education At School

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Sex Education for Children at School: Pros and Cons

Nowadays, in our society free sex behaviour have spreaded around adolescent and children life. These facts can we get through the result of researches from social problem observer in several big cities. Sarwono (1970) have researched and found that 117 adolescents in big cities have ever done free sex. Beside free sex behaviour, sex crimes also happen among children. Those crimes not only are done by unknown people but it is exactly done by the victim’s closed people in children 's life. The Data about sex crimes show that during 1995 about 12 free sex cases happen. That were done by their parents or step parents, 7 cases done by teacher and closed people around children and adolescents. These conditions are concerned. Therefore, crimes and behaviour about sex have to be known by adolescents in order to prevent and avoid the problem. Also, sex education have to be taught since they are elementary school. It is the right solution to overcome these problems. However, when people are asked about how important sex education, the feedback and perception of the people are very diverse and raises pros and cons in the community. Therefore, let us see some controversy of early sex education and then decide it according to your opinion.

Early sex education can help children …show more content…

Children tend to see it as a subject of ridicule and the reason for not attending the class. Moreover, if it is taught will be an object of laughing and giggling in class. Based on the sentiments and religious beliefs, many of those who against assume that speaking about sex in formal institutions is contrast to the norms of religion and custom sentiment. It would be very difficult to argue with those who brought religion to the forefront. Many schools prefer to leave this problem because it is a sensitive thing to many people

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