Sex and Gender

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Sex and Gender The terms employed most frequently to describe the differences between

men and women are 'sex' and 'gender'. Sex refers to the differing

physical attributes of women and men (Lee, Shaw). The categories of

sex are male and female. In every society sex differences are given

social meanings. Social identity, which is confessed on the basis of

assumed sexual differences, is called "gender" (Lee, Shaw). People are

born female or male, but learn to be girls and boys, who grow into men

and women. Males are supposed to be masculine, strong, and macho,

while females are attributed to be feminine, fragile, and nurturing.

To be born a man or a woman in any society is more than a simple

biological fact. It is a biological fact with social implications.

"Gender" is the term now widely used to refer to those ways in which a

culture reformulates what begins as a fact of nature (Lee, Shaw). The

biological sexes are redefined, represented, valued, and channeled

into different roles in various culturally dependent ways.

For most people, gender and physical characteristics are the same,

unchangeable and 'natural', and there is also a general perception

that gender refers to women only. But this is not the case. Gender

differences refer to culturally formed traits of masculinity and

femininity, that is, the characteristic forms of behavior expected

respectively of men and women in any given culture (Lee, Shaw). Gender

differences are by no means determined by sex differences. They are

social and cultural rather than biological differences. Thus, gende...

... middle of paper ...

... female.

While it is important to focus on the way in which gender is created

anew in individuals as they respond to social processes and practices,

this process of creation needs to be read in the context of broader

social processes. Gender is also a vital element of the social

structures such as the economy, government, mass media and schooling

(Lee, Shaw). The everyday actions of individuals are shaped by their

position in relation to these broader social structures. The most

important point about all this is that individuals are not passively

socialized into a gendered identity. It is, in general, a great deal

more fluid and unpredictable than that. However, even though

individuals make active choices, these choices are still constrained

by gender boundaries, which may be different in different


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