Seventh Amendment Essay

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The right to have trial by jury is an easy and simple right letting someone to be able to choose to have their fate be decide by a group of people with having different opinions from different minds letting them have a better chance of finding out the truth, because people have different perspectives in what they see. Which is also a very important right to the freedom we have and to our country. In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Which defines as if someone gets charged over twenty dollars, then they’re able to ask for a jury to hear their side of the case before they lose their money and once the jury makes their decision they can not change it. This Amendment is important to our freedom because into the decision of the Farmers while they were writing on the Bill of Rights they thought it would only be fair to have an equal court system. …show more content…

In the late 1600’s judges were known as servants to the king. There rulings weren’t always fair so, they debated for their freedom and won their independence that they felt they needed from their king. The Seventh Amendment was created for the sake of the people, allowing them to get a fair trial. Giving each accused a chance to defend themselves, allowing a body of people decide if you will be guilty or innocent instead of having just one judge alone

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