Seven Years War Research Paper

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The Seven Years' war also known as the French and Indian War which lasted from 1754 to 1763,was a conflict that began in Europe against the British and French which reached America resulting in war,the British had been uninvolved with the matters of the colonies in America which was known as the period of Salutary Neglect.After the war,there were some major changes in American relations with Britain.The French and Indian War marked a turning point in American relations with Great Britain,with changes such as an increase in British control and anti-loyalist in the colonies,but also continuities such as loyalty to Britain that remained largely untouched by the war. Before the Seven Years' war there was a period of Salutary Neglect.Britain didn't enforce the Navigation Laws and their involvement with the colonies was minimal.Navigation Laws was created to enforced mercantilism.Mercantilism was a belief that the colonies should export more than they import.The colonies role in mercantilism was to provide raw materials.Colonists were …show more content…

Anti-loyalist considered breaking their relationship between the colonies and Britain which was showed in the Declaration of

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