Separating Fact from Fanboyism

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Every year companies put out their latest and greatest whiles fans almost always take sides especially in the gaming arena. On the surface, there's nothing wrong with consumer loyalty as people are drawn to things that attract them. The problem comes when people become irrational in their viewpoints of the competition or when defending their choice.

Simply put...some people can't admit they are wrong.

Recently the launch of the Xbox 360 S has brought renewed vigor the dwindling faction of 360 fanboys. While defending your purchase is acceptable, a blind eye coupled with vapid comments can make intelligent or even progressive conversation impossible.

A few videos of the new Xbox 360 S have popped up showing us its faults. All focus on the unit overheating but with different byproducts. In one video, upwards of five white jagged horizontal cover the screen. Another video shows a red dot on the console appearing and a message indicating the console was shutting down to prevent overheating. The latest video released shows the power brick's normally orange light turn red.

As you can imagine, the comments in response ranged from clever to downright ignorant. The Xbox 360 contingent cried “PS3 fanboy” despite this guy owning clearly owning the high end red Resident Evil 360 and the new slim. Common sense shoots down that argument as no PS3 fanboy I know would buy two high end 360 consoles period.

As to the comments concerning his care of his consoles, the Xbox 360 S was out in the open with plenty of ventilation for both the console and the power brick.

The last argument bordered on stupidity. Apparently they think he brought the console on purpose just to film it this way. Except for a few peop...

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.... Why wasn't Microsoft able to make the console with the power supply inside? Why should I stop playing my console just to accommodate for Microsoft's lack of proper engineering? Why are all these problems concerning the console overheating occurring? What did Microsoft do different with this console than the older one? What kind of warranty is Microsoft offering for these?

In the end, there are problems with every console. People, including fanboys, should want these problems fixed! Instead fanboys make excuses and find scapegoats. That's fine...but all that finger pointing does not stop the overheating issues. Given Microsoft's console history, a person would incredibly unwise to think this slim with the same type of power supply is not capable of having similar issues. You see not everybody is a fanboy. Some people just want the stuff they pay for to work.

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