Self Trust In Othello

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The play Othello by Williams Shakespeare was First Performed and created in 1604. It was one of the most popular plays throughout the seventeenth century, During the play Othello is led to destruction by his so called friend Iago , Othello unlike Iago is capable of forming . Strong , Loving , and Healthy relationships. Even though Iago is using him. In the plot, it is proven that othello is mentally weakened and manipulated by Iago. In my statement Othello is very sympathetic throughout the text by making mistakes, by listening to others, and having low self-esteem.
Othello’s anger grew through the play and he had trust issues that developed in his marriage. He wanted to ask Desdemona about trust and if she was cheating on him but did not …show more content…

But then again in othello trust issues was very low because not only did he not trust his wife but he trusted the enemy. Othello shouldn’t have let it gotten out of hand or in the hands of Iago. From Act 1, Othello’s trust towards Iago is made clear. He holds firm belief and reliability in Iago’s statements and thoughts, confiding in him regularly. Like many others characters in the play, Othello is unable to see past the lies of Iago’s character, referring to him as “good Iago” holding great faith and having trust him..Having fought many battles together. Othello also often gives him power and let him take over his choices more instead of othello confronting his wife, he let Iago do everything which resulted …show more content…

He loved too hard , he had trust issues too high and because of him being sympathetic it led to all of this. "Othello Act 4 Scenes 1 and 2." Spark Notes. 11 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Jan. 2016. Jealously is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over an anticipated loss or status of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. which in my vocabulary means someone or something is distracted by the love of someone but they are not feeling the connection like the other one is , communication isn’t the key so that’s why. Being sympathetic means being caring , compassionate , concerned , solicitous , sensitive , tenderhearted. Those was some of the emotions othello experienced through the play . He slowly lost his mind and struggled because he didn’t know where to turn or who to trust he was distracted. Othello had a flaw , which was insecurities. Insecurities is when one lacks self confidence and uncertainty about their self worth. Othello lacked self confidence and the ability to love himself. Othello not speaking up on things concerning him shows that he is afraid to speak up for himself and worried about what others think. Othello’s actions show his insecurities throughout the play show his insecurities. At the beginning of the play, Othello remains at a distance from everyone but his wife. In conclusion Othello was sympathetic

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