Essay On Self Esteem

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Self-esteem, a phrase commonly heard, but what does it mean exactly? According to the book, self- esteem is defined as the positive or negative evaluation of our self as an object. A way to look at self- esteem is by answering this question “How good am I?” An alternative way to understand self- esteem is by the reactions to the self. There are two different dimensions of self esteem, one being we think highly of ourselves and feel good about ourselves. On the other side, we can think poorly of ourselves and feel bad about ourselves either in general or in specific roles. The four sources of self- esteem come from social comparisons, reflected appraisals, psychological centrality, and self- perception. Social comparisons refers to the using others as a point of reference for our thoughts and …show more content…

This is found by finding the mean score of the recorded score and then taking it out of four. I scored a 2.7 out of 4. These findings suggest that I have a medium self- esteem. This means that I fall basically in the middle of high and low self- esteem. I agree with this result. I feel as if my self- esteem varies depending on the situation and who I am surrounded by. I also feel as if that is true for a lot of people. Overall, I feel like I have a high sense of self- worth, but in certain situations it is hard not to question who you are as a person or how you look and if you are comparable to the others I am surrounded by. It is hard in this society, especially if you are a teenage girl, to not question your sense of self- worth. Advertisements, especially, portray a specific body, hair, and skin type and if you do not fit the mold it is intimidating when you see someone that does. This test proved that what I thought was true. I figured that I would fall in the middle because I am not extremely confident, but I also do not struggle on a regular basis with who I am as a person and how I look

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