Self Development Essay

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In a dynamic economy where change seems very pivotal as we move into the twenty-first century. Acquiring self-development and being self-aware as a manager is very essential in the business environment; in order to stand out of a large crowd also gaining competitive advantage in the workplace, one needs to continually develop new learning’s and acquire new skills in becoming a “knowledge worker” in his or her organization (Telford, 2006). The higher the level of education of a manager the better the remuneration he or she receives. It is very vital at this point to examine the usefulness of self-awareness and self-development and how it adds value to an organization’s success also how it creates competitive advantage for an …show more content…

It helps to maximize human capital to the extent where we can transform it into structural capital, a part of intellectual property which allows individuals to develop competitive advantages and it helps organization to reach its goals efficiently. Harlan, (2009) supported that self-development is a process by which an individual obtain knowledge, understanding, skills and values in becoming a problem solvers throughout his or her daily life in order to adapt to the charging environment. Knowledge has become a very important asset in an organization so one needs to continuously develop his or herself. This implies that Individual core competences in the organization is measured by his or her ability to be innovative in terms of applying new knowledge in solving difficult problems that occurs in the external and internal environments of the organization (Zander and Kogut, …show more content…

In order for an individual to develop self-improvement he or she must have a clear goal. on the other hand self-development is seen as a potential behaviour which result from experience this implies that self-development cannot be observed directly it can only be inferred by behaviour (Hulse et al.1980).managers need to learn new skills to improve their working performance and relationship among workers; in order to be an effective manager we need to keep on learning new things this aids he or she to adapt to challenges that may occur in the workplace (Brine,

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