Self Assessment Research Paper

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As an individual, we often want to reflect on who we are and what kind of decisions we make. We want to understand the aspects that shape our own identity and seek information about ourselves; that we may not have already known. A self- assessment provides just that, giving us the best understanding of who we truly are and how we interact within a group setting. Using three self-assessment instruments, I will prove my understanding of the core elements of Organizational Behaviour, what it tells me about myself and how it relates to the process of working with others in a group setting. To determine this, I will be using Estimating Your Locus of Control, the “Big Five” Model of Personality, and What Team Roles Do You Prefer. Through those three …show more content…

Locus of Control is a person’s general belief about the amount of control he or she has over personal challenges. Internal locus of control is the belief that your own personal characteristics influence life’s outcomes, while having an external locus of control is the belief that outcomes are determined due to fate, luck, or conditions of outside environment; that we cannot control. Having an internal locus of control means performing better in a work environment and group environment. Since this means performing well in a work/group environment, it shows that internal also equals good leadership skills. Through the self-assessment, I was given an internal locus of control. My score was a 35, with the ratings ranking from 16-96. Although I possess internal locus of control, I did not show much leadership qualities during the group exercise. I would consider Keya to have internal locus of control and these leadership qualities, because she took pride in being the leader of the group and coming up with important decisions to control problems that had arose. It is said that when you have internal locus of control, you also contain a strong sense of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy deals with the belief that somebody has the ability and motivation to complete a task. The assignment of ranking all these important items to bring on Mist Ridge was a tough task, but together as a group, we mastered this by …show more content…

By using “Estimating Your Locus of Control”, the “Big Five” Model of Personality, and “What Team Roles Do You Prefer”, I am able to prove my solid understanding of the core elements of Organizational Behaviour and how it reflects while working in a group

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