Effect The Multicultural Reflection?

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Selecting high cultural awareness members with good team composition would effect the multicultural effectiveness. Meyer suggested that the team members should be adaptable to different cultures (Rizk, 2014). Most research spent on cultural intelligent (CQ) which includes cognitive behaviors toward different cultures (Zander, 2012). Furthermore, Huff et al (2013) explained that Cultural intelligent is the core competence of the expatriate to adapt to social interaction and work style adjustment to the multicultural team.
On the other hand, Phillips (1992) suggested to balance the team composition toward the three types of roles: creative roles, practical roles and applied roles. The team needed the members who are good at generating ideas as creative roles but without practical roles these creative members may find difficulty to make it into actions. The third roles consider of monitoring and keeping the group …show more content…

In facing diversity, more time is needed to learn in the diversity but through effective rewards the team could oversee the negative aspects of cultural difference. However, the challenge toward the team rewards is to choose the right levers toward different motivation nature (Thomas et al., 2000). For an example, giving certificate to the team members in India are not importance as giving vouchers for shopping (Pyrillis, 2011).

Individualist and collectivism employees tend to be motivated differently in team rewards. Individualist would share their rewards due to individual contribution such as pay for the accomplishment while collectivism would share the rewards equally within the team (Thomas et al., 2000). However, Allen et al. (2004) comparison of American and Japanese based rewards. An individualist like American would be appreciated through stock ownership and individual performance base while Japanese culture would base on team incentives and position based

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