Scratchers Argumentative Essay

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People, especially Millennials, struggle making and maintaining friendships because of real world responsibilities and time constraint. They prioritize and forge meaningful relationships with select few. People tend to associate lower price with lower value. As a result, smaller gifts need either a personal significance or a stronger emotional context to overcome the prejudice. Consumers experience stress and excitement around holiday shopping. They want to find meaningful gifts to their friends and families, but also have to be mindful of their budget. Scratchers create a heightened sense of anticipation. Unlike other small gifts, they are unique gift of dreams that can provide hope for bigger opportunities and rewards. People find inspirations (for life & gifts) and motivations for their dreams in many places: blogs (e.g. PopSugar, Elite Daily), social media, and peers (Fitbit Community). …show more content…

Be the first small-gift option that provides a powerful emotional context beyond its dollar values by building a platform for people to share their hopes and wishes for their loves. Instead of using media to blast CA Lottery brand messages, we will use it as a platform where we can facilitate positive conversations around opportunities, hopes and dreams. We will position Scratchers as an unexpected, yet thoughtful holiday gift that represents people’s limitless

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