Scientific Merit In Psychology

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I have learned about scientific merit and why the needed for the field of psychology and research during this course. Scientific merit entails three scopes that consist of the advanced knowledge base, contribution to theory, and meeting the hallmark of good research. Scientific merit, composed of three dimensions that consist of the advanced knowledge base, contribution to theory, and meeting the hallmark of good research. When scientific merit is high the study has contributed meaningful, valid and valuable data ("Scientific Merit," n.d.). First scientific merit must show advancing the knowledge base. For instance, a researcher must decide whether the study addresses something that is not known or considered recently? One must read and comprehended the …show more content…

Hallmark of good research is scientific merit done well and done on sound method. This implies that the research meets specific criteria such as can the study answer the research query with the design and method proposed? The research question addresses the research gap also known as the problem in the literature (Capella University, n.d.). The research question helps solve the research problem. Hence, the hallmark of good research possesses good theoretic outline, consistent methods, overview, and an impartial measurement. The literature hallmark of good research based on the authors’ assertion that recovery is the clear process that disconnected and involves many related aspects depicted. Also, that first adult recovery representation devised, whether on an assumption. The second hypothesis is that the method of recovery comprises of change, not only the symptoms. Such functioning theory leads to developing questions that investigated the experiences as and concentrated on personal change (Simonds, et al., 2013). This literature study on social recovery has a high scientific merit that has the hallmark of good research and ethically

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