Science In The Middle Ages Essay

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Despite the hardships during the Middle Ages science had many advancements during this time period. The development of science and medicine during this time period had huge impacts in our world today. The Middle ages begin after the fall of the Roman Empire and is divided into three periods; the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages.
The Roman Empire lasted for five hundred and seven years. In 410 AD, the Visigoths, a Germanic barbarian tribe, invaded the city. They gained possession of treasures, killed and enslaved many Romans and destroyed many buildings. In 476 AD, a Germanic barbarian named Odoacer took control of Rome. He forced Romulus Augustulus to give up his crown. After the fall of Rome much of Europe …show more content…

Islamic expansion led to the siege of Constantinople. Charlemagne tried to promote science and education. The first schools are founded in monasteries. The lessons that were taught were grammar, logic, rhetoric and bible. Geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and music are also included later on. Around the year 1216, the Dominicans adapted the idea that science was a way of figuring out God’s design using logic and experiment. Later in that year the first Universities in Europe were established. Followed by new inventions that included the windmill, spectacles, the compass, and the spinning wheel. In 1350, the plague develops, ultimately killing half of the population of Europe and it kept recurring throughout the Western world a series of time over and over again. The early middle ages there was little advancement in science and medicine, it isn 't until the high and late middle ages were science truly started to make …show more content…

This period progressed in surgery, medical chemistry, dissection, and practical medicine. The Middle ages laid the groundwork for later discoveries. In the later half of the 14th century there was great thinkers such William of Occam that developed a theory known today as Occam’s Razor. Occam’s Razor is where two possible explanations occur from an occurrence. Where the simpler one from the two is usually better. “Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is.” Today, Occam’s Razor is used in modern medicine to between two or more undetermined

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