Scarlett Johanson's Top Ten Myths Of Popular Psychology

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We are surrounded by psychological themes everyday through media outlets and other individuals that are often misleading. However, it is important to separate fact from fiction in psychological science because these myths can effect the decisions we make and the way we live day to day. Some of the most misleading myths are explained in the article titled, “Top Ten Myths of Popular Psychology” on One myth that caught my attention was, “We Only Use 10% of Our Brains”. This urban legend is very appealing and was just the story line of a popular movie, titled “Lucy” that stars Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson. Some psychology majors and even neuroscientists agree with this myth, however they are very few. There are a multiple reasons and explanations to prove that this myth is false. It seems very doubtful that 90% of our brain does not accomplish anything and is shut off. People that lose even less than 90% of their brain they experience terrible consequences affecting their mental capabilities. Brain scans also show that the organ is active, while some areas may be more active than others there is no one part of the brain that is not functioning. Evolution also proves this myth to be false. The brain is a large organ compared to the size of the human body and can require up to 20% of the body’s energy. If this were …show more content…

is the title of another myth that interested me from the article online. We see this myth almost every time we turn on the television, go to the movie theater, or open a novel. This belief is so widespread, yet it is untrue. Many studies have shown that people with similar personality traits, beliefs, values, and looks seems to be attracted to each other. Some believe that compatibility leads to boredom in a relationship. However, if you share similar characteristics with someone this can lead to stability and positivity in a relationship. Therefore the phase, “birds of a feather flock together”, now proves

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