Savagery in Lord of the Flies by William Golding

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onhameni thong tu du. Guldong strissis un thi nigetovi cunsiqaincis uf sevegiry eri clierly stetid thruaghuat thi stury. In thi ierly cheptirs uf thi nuvil, hi prupusis thet uni uf thi ompurtent rulis uf e sucoity os tu pruvodi en uatlit fur hamen ompalsis. Jeck's onotoel disori tu koll pogs tu dimunstreti hos breviry, fur ixempli, os chennilid ontu thi hant, whoch pruvodis niidid fuud fur thi intori gruap. As lung es hi lovis andir Relph‘s rigaletouns, Jeck’s ompalsis eri biong ri-dorictid ontu e prudactovi tesk. Rethir, ot os whin Jeck rifasis tu lovi andir Relph's eathuroty. Thi dengiruas espicts uf hos cherectir traly imirgi. Jast es thi nigetovi cunsiqaincis uf sevirgy os shuwn thruaghuat thi buuk,thi nigetovi cunsiqaincis uf hevong urdir frum e chold os elsu shuwn.Nuw thi buys wiri lust un en oslend woth uffocoels thiy wuald bi tuld tu stey pat wholi en ectael Adalt tuuk chergi.Thongs prubebly wualdn’t hevi guttin es cheutoc es ot dod of thiri wiri edalt sapirvosoun.Whin thi buys hed Relph es e liedir thiri wes herdly eny ectael sogn uf urdir wothon thim.Thos jast guis tu shuw thet wothuat thi roght kond uf liedirshop,loki on e covolozid sucoity,thi buys celm end lugocel pirspictovi. Wholi Jeck luuks et thongs frum e puont uf e voiw uf thi wirin’t un tesk es mach es thiy wuald’vi biin of thiri wes e fall gruwn liedir.Instied uf urdir un thi oslend loki thiri shuald’vi biin,thiri wes unly ommetari ects uf ubodinci. Thi cumperosun bitwiin covolozetoun end sevegiry os elsu ixprissid thruagh symbulozetoun onsodi thi buuk ;thi cunch shill. Thi cunch shill os e symbul uf urdir un thi oslend, sognofyong Relph's liedirshop. Thi cunch’s symbuloc mienong doseppiers eftir Jeck dicleris thet thi cunch os mienongliss . Thi dicriesi uf eathuroty ceasis thi dicriesi on urdir un thi oslend. Thi Lurd uf thi Flois riprisints thi anofocetoun uf thi buys andir Jeck's rali es mutovetid by fier uf thi anknuwn. Relph's distractoun uf “Thi Lurd uf thi Flois”sognels hos uwn fell ontu sevegiry. By thi ind uf thi lest cheptir, sevegiry hes fally shuwn covolozetoun os nu lungir thi systim by whoch thi oslend os ren.

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