Satan Greatest Battlefield and God’s Greatest Glory

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Satan Greatest Battlefield and God’s Greatest Glory
The other day while sitting in church with my wife and kids, listening to the preacher talk about church people and how they attack and hurt their own; my daughter looked at us with amazement on her face not understanding the boisterous laughter coming from the audience. She asked, “Dad why do they laugh when everything the preacher stated is true?” At that moment I comprehended the significant consequences of the encounters my daughter endured from church people who had shown aggression towards her father and mother as pastors. From that point until now my thoughts linger back to the moment when my daughter’s face look totally confused at what she witnessed from the church audience on that day. I responded with a vague answer with very little depth to satisfy her curiosity and confusion about the blatant act of human nature that collided with Christian spirituality, morality and integrity. This sermon attempts to explain to us why humanity turns inward against itself when faced with our own human nature.

Let us first start with a generic definition of human nature.
Merriam/Webster dictionary describes as human nature;
A ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are common to most people: the nature of humans; especially: the fundamental dispositions and traits of humans.
Wikipedia describe Human nature as
…distinguishing characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that humans tend to have naturally, independently of the influence of culture….Human nature particularly important implications are found within ethics, politics, and theology. This is partly because human nature can be regarded as both a source of norms of conduct or ways of life, as well...

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...ore for others. When our spiritual nature overcomes our human nature we are able to lay down our lives more often for others. As a result, God receive our greatest glory.

Works Cited

Wikipedia, 12/13/2013
Aristotle Metaphysics, 1078b ,12/13/2013
Capparell. Open Mind; Spiritual Nature versus Human nature. 12/18/13
C.S.Lewis, A case for Christianity,B&H Publishing Group 1942 online Quote;
Ibid iii. pg1
Rev. C. H. SPURGEON, Natural or Spiritual (No. 407), September the 1st, 1861., 12/18/13

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